PFAS municipal grant program created; certain federal moneys provision -
AB392PFAS municipal grant program created -
SB439PFAS municipal grant program created [Sec. 354, 2672, 9132 (3)] [original bill only] -
AB68PFAS municipal grant program created [Sec. 354, 2672, 9132 (3)] -
SB111Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: eliminate repeal of grant program; septage characterization study required -
AB444Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: eliminate repeal of grant program; septage characterization study required -
SB439Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required -
AB123Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required -
SB84Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes -
AB719Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes -
SB692Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: PSC to develop model ordinance and advertise availability as part of Focus on Energy program [Sec. 2401, 2413] [original bill only] -
AB68Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: PSC to develop model ordinance and advertise availability as part of Focus on Energy program [Sec. 2401, 2413] -
SB111Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer funding -
AB111Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer funding [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, paid fire department members and emergency medical responders added, other conditions added] -
SB119State procurement of products and services from Wisconsin-based businesses and setting goals for local governments -
AB1089State procurement of products and services from Wisconsin-based businesses and setting goals for local governments -
SB1040Suicide prevention programming grants and suicide by firearm prevention grants -
AB444Suicide prevention programming grants and suicide by firearm prevention grants -
SB439Testing privately owned wells or water supplies re groundwater quality and contamination and education and outreach re well testing: DNR grants for local governments created -
AB1064Testing privately owned wells or water supplies re groundwater quality and contamination and education and outreach re well testing: DNR grants for local governments created -
SB1002Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 99] -
AB68Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507] -
SB111Wild parsnip declared a noxious weed by local governments or American Indian tribes or bands: grants to control, monitor, and eliminate; Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation funding -
AB343Wild parsnip declared a noxious weed by local governments or American Indian tribes or bands: grants to control, monitor, and eliminate; Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation funding -
SB346Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages -
AB894Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages -
SB835Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report -
AB201Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, indefinitely confined voter and photo ID requirements for absentee voter provisions modified] -
SB204Absentee ballot changes re obtaining and returning; penalty provision; JRCCP may report -
AB192Absentee ballot changes re obtaining and returning; penalty provision; JRCCP may report -
SB203Absentee ballots returned to municipal clerk’s office: use of drop box requirements -
AB177Absentee ballots returned to municipal clerk’s office: use of drop box requirements -
SB209Complaints filed with the Elections Commission re election law violations: resolution, report to the legislature and Governor; postelection audits of electronic voting systems; printing absentee ballot applications for recounts -
AB1003Complaints filed with the Elections Commission re election law violations: resolution, report to the legislature and Governor; postelection audits of electronic voting systems; printing absentee ballot applications for recounts -
SB936Deceased individuals removed from voter registration list: requirement transferred to Elections Commission; election fraud penalty provision; JRCCP may report -
AB761Deceased individuals removed from voter registration list: requirement transferred to Elections Commission; election fraud penalty provision; JRCCP may report -
SB730Election fraud or misconduct reports to municipal clerks or board of election commissioners: reports required and DA duties -
AB1046Election fraud or misconduct reports to municipal clerks or board of election commissioners: reports required and DA duties -
SB978Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms -
AB1005Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms -
SB934Elections Commission required to submit guidance documents issued to municipal clerks to JCRAR -
AB1006Elections Commission required to submit guidance documents issued to municipal clerks to JCRAR -
SB943Electronic voting system or automatic tabulating equipment: extend time to maintain data after an election -
AB848Electronic voting system or automatic tabulating equipment: extend time to maintain data after an election -
SB803Investigations by Elections Commission re registered voters who may have voted more than once in the same election or voted despite being disqualified; municipal clerks and Electronic Registration Information Center provisions -
AB398Investigations by Elections Commission re registered voters who may have voted more than once in the same election or voted despite being disqualified; municipal clerks and Electronic Registration Information Center provisions -
SB393Noncandidacy for incumbent local elected officials: public notice requirements -
AB51Noncandidacy for incumbent local elected officials: public notice requirements -
SB52Property tax exemption form: notice to property owner if not received by certain date by email or phone allowed -
AB1101Property tax exemption form: notice to property owner if not received by certain date by email or phone allowed -
SB1028Qualified electors detained in jail or house of correction: sheriff to establish plan for voter registration and voting by absentee ballot -
AB1070Term of office for appointed local officers when no term is specified by statute, vacancy provision -
AB1066Term of office for certain local government officials extended until successor is elected and qualified -
AB224Term of office for certain local government officials extended until successor is elected and qualified -
SB297Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision -
AB459Voter registration at high schools and certain tribal schools: provisions prior to 2011 WisAct 240 reinstated; qualified voter provision -
SB446Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration; election fraud committed by election officials; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; recess of municipal board of canvassers; JRCCP may report -
AB1004Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration; election fraud committed by election officials; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; recess of municipal board of canvassers; JRCCP may report -
SB935Whistleblower protections for municipal clerks who report election fraud or irregularities -
AB1008Whistleblower protections for municipal clerks who report election fraud or irregularities [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, adds provisions re early canvassing of absentee ballots, election night reporting, issuance of presidential ballots, timeline for spending or transmitting absentee ballots, and nomination papers for certain independent candidates] -
SB946Climate change consideration required when a local governmental unit prepares a comprehensive plan, community health plan, or disaster mitigation plan [Sec. 1182, 2574, 2757] [original bill only] -
AB68Climate change consideration required when a local governmental unit prepares a comprehensive plan, community health plan, or disaster mitigation plan [Sec. 1182, 2574, 2757] -
SB111Enterprise zone tax credit: "base year" modified [Sec. 1272, 1273, 1323, 1324, 1358, 1359] [original bill only] -
AB68Enterprise zone tax credit: "base year" modified [Sec. 1272, 1273, 1323, 1324, 1358, 1359] -
SB111Enterprise zones: WEDC authority to designate revised; JCF approval repealed [Sec. 2561-2565, 9349 (1)] [original bill only] -
AB68Enterprise zones: WEDC authority to designate revised; JCF approval repealed [Sec. 2561-2565, 9349 (1)] -
SB111Local housing investment fund program: municipalities allowed to establish; DOA appendix report -
AB609Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages -
AB894Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages -
SB835Main Street Program: WEDC duties changed [Sec. 2529-2542] [original bill only] -
AB68Main Street Program: WEDC duties changed [Sec. 2529-2542] -
SB111Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1274-1285, 1288-1290, 1325-1336, 1339-1341, 1360-1369, 1372, 1373, 2551, 2553-2555, 2559, 2560, 2566] [original bill only] -
AB68Minimum wage threshold raised for enterprise zone and business development tax credits [Sec. 1274-1285, 1288-1290, 1325-1336, 1339-1341, 1360-1369, 1372, 1373, 2551, 2553-2555, 2559, 2560, 2566] -
SB111Shared mass transit services grants, shared services planning and operation grants, and grants for regional affordable housing development and certain kinds of redevelopment -
AB1116Shared mass transit services grants, shared services planning and operation grants, and grants for regional affordable housing development and certain kinds of redevelopment -
SB1093Small business and downtown development grants from certain federal moneys, conditions specified -
AB580Workforce housing project approval by political subdivisions and appeal of decision to circuit court; zoning ordinance requirement; assigning street addresses at time of subdivision plat approval; DOA appendix report -
AB608Workforce housing project approval by political subdivisions and appeal of decision to circuit court; zoning ordinance requirement; assigning street addresses at time of subdivision plat approval; DOA appendix report -
SB840Alternative minimum growth factor used to calculate local levy limits increased [Sec. 1158, 9330 (3)] [original bill only] -